Gunter Weidenhaus (Darmstadt): The spaces of the world
Globalization has fundamentally changed the spatial constitution of the world. But how can this re-figuration of space actually be put into words and what are the consequences for social relations and social science research? These questions will be explored in the lecture.
Gunter Weidenhaus, Dr. phil., born in 1972, first studied philosophy and German studies, than social pedagogy and finally sociology. Doctorate in 2013 in Darmstadt with “Soziale Raumzeit” (summa cum laude; doctoral award of the section Urban and Regional Sociology; published by Suhrkamp). Most recently, he worked as a visiting professor for “Raumsoziologie” (Spatial Sociology) at the TU Berlin in the context of the habilitation project “Die Räume der Welt” on globalization, its sociological theorization, and global processes of change in space.
Technische Universität Berlin
Straße des 17. Juni 135, Hauptgebäude, H 111