Mandy Unger

Mandy Unger works as a choreographer, dancer, networker and DJ. She founded the M.over Company in Leipzig in 2019. Her stage productions are a combination of performance and contemporary art with sociological field studies. As a dancer, she explores a combination of floor work, contemporary dance and urban dance styles. She studied Media Art at the Bauhaus University Weimar (B.F.A.), Fine Arts at the ZHdK in Zurich, Dance and Theatre Studies and World Arts (M.A.) at the University of Bern as well as Dance Education and Choreography in Leipzig. Her works are performed at theatres, art institutions and festivals. She has been in the Artist Development Programme of LOFFT – DAS THEATER since 2024. She has developed choreographies for Schauspiel Leipzig and numerous theatre festivals, among others. From 2020-2024, she also headed the dance department at Leipzig’s Heizhaus youth cultural centre.