Prof. Dr. phil. Jörg Paulus
Studied German and philosophy in Heidelberg and Berlin. Doctorate at the Technical University of Berlin with a thesis on literary anthropology and its media around 1800. Habilitation on theoretical philology and epistolary culture around 1800. Collaboration on the historical-critical Jean Paul edition (Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, Potsdam office). Research assistant at the Institute for German Studies at the Technical University of Braunschweig, at the Klassik Stiftung Weimar, the Lessing Academy Wolfenbüttel, and at the Institute for Music Research at the University of Würzburg. Since 2016 Professur Archiv- und Literaturforschung at the Bauhaus University Weimar with the research focus on literature around 1800 and around 1900, epistolary research and the mediality of communication; theoretical philology and archival theory. Lectureships and visiting professorships at the TU Berlin, Leibniz University Hanover, Meiji University Tokyo, Japan Women’s University Tokyo, and the University of Breslau.